We Provide Like-4-Like Replacement Vehicles After An Accident Where You Aren't Guilty.
Our convenient vehicle replacement services ensure the availability of a comparable vehicle to non-fault customers post-accident. We aim that the specifications and size of replacement cars meet the customer's requirements and standards. They will return to their daily routine stress-free and conveniently.
Besides that, our other Accident Management Services include:
Recovery of Vehicle
Claims Handling
Vehicle Repair

Distinctive Features of SAS Replacement Vehicles
Swift Accident Solutions will provide a like-4-like replacement that will be distinctive compared to an ordinary courtesy car provided by your insurance company after a not-at-fault accident.

SAS Vehicle is similar in size and specifications to your damaged vehicle.

SAS won't cost you anything.

SAS replacement car is provided the same day you file your claim with us.

SAS replacement car is available for the period your vehicle is out of order.

SAS expert claim handler will manage your claim from the beginning till the end and will regularly update you about the proceedings.

SAS will deliver the replacement car to the provided address and collect it from you when your claim ends.
Replacement Vehicle Delivery is Free of Cost!
If you aren't guilty after an accident, we won't charge you for our Accident Management Services as our expertise claims the accident costs from the at-fault driver's insurer.
The accident expenses include:
Accident recovery and damaged vehicle storage.
Like-4-like replacement car.
Car repair or total loss compensation (if the car is fully damaged).
Why SAS?
Clients can utilize our Accident Management services for the reasons here.
No Financial Burden
The non-fault customer won't have to pay for the like-4-like replacement vehicle. We will recover its cost from the at-fault driver's insurance company.
Like-4-Like Replacement
The availability of a wide range of vehicles authorizes us to provide a comparable vehicle to the customer, almost similar to the damaged one. We ensure the provided vehicle meets their expectations and requirements.
Vehicle Availability on Same Day
Our staff will deliver a comparable replacement of the customer's choice at the provided address on the day you start your claim with SAS.
Dispatch Across the UK
We deliver the replacement vehicle after a non-fault accident at the provided address across the UK. So, customers should be least concerned about its transport.
Personalized Management
A specialist claim handler will manage your claim individually and provide you with the best Accident Management Service.
Replacement Car For Full Duration
Each customer can utilize the comparable replacement vehicle until their car is repaired or the total loss is recovered (if written off).